V Day Video Phan Download

The Valentines Day Video (also known as the vday vid or the video that shall not be named) is a video that Phil made in Feb 2010 for Dan for Valentines Day.

It was uploaded privately to LessAmazingPhil on Feb 13 2010 and he and Dan both commented on it. The video contains Phil talking to the camera recounting Phil’s favourite memories with Dan so far and saying how much he loves him.

On September 17 2011 the video was accidentally unprivated by a Youtube glitch and fans saw it and thought that it was real. Dan and Phil then told everyone that they made the video as a prank and were planning to “accidentally” unprivate it on April 1st 2010 to “troll the shippers” and make them all think that it was real and then they were going to release another video going “HAHA we fooled you!!” However they decided not to go through with this plan because they decided it was mean and that lots of people probably wouldn’t get the joke. Everything was pretty calm after that because there wasn’t anywhere near as many fans back then as there are now.

But in late Oct 2012, someone posted the video in tumblr the tags without saying that Dan and Phil had said it was a prank and everyone started spreading it and saying Phan was real and shit hit the fan because everyone was going crazy over it. Dan answered heaps of messages about it on tumblr saying that it was a prank and blah blah blah and Phil got every copy of it that he could find, deleted by claiming copyright on it.

Vado just dropped a Valentine’s Day dedicated EP called V-Day.Yes, today is February 15. The project from DJ Khaled’s latest We The Best Music Group signee features seven tracks and appearance. Vado comes in a day after the official V-Day with his own 'V-Day' EP, consisting of 7 tracks, featuring Talia Coles, Quo and Mr. Bump V-Day EP, a new offering from Vado, which was released on.

V Day Video Phan Download

After that, anyone who posted the video or other things that implied phan was real, in the danisnotonfire, dan howell, amazingphil or phil lester tags on tumblr would get heaps of hate from people saying “OMG THEY DONT WANT THIS ONLINE DONT BE SO RUDE PHAN ISN’T REAL YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!” and would basically get attacked and bullied for it.. it all got pretty messy. A lot of them ended up either getting reported to tumblr enough that they were shut down, asked by Dan to stop (and did) or were harassed by people so much that they chose to delete their accounts.

Here is an example of Dan’s explanation of the video:

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Here are my problems with this:

1. Who plans an april fools day prank 2 months in advance? I mean, really? I don’t plan an april fools day prank 1 day in advance, let alone 2 months.

2. When they made the decision not to go through with the prank (sometime between Feb 13, 2010 and March 31, 2010) why didn’t they delete the video so something like this wouldn’t happen? Or even after April 1st, the video was up for a year and a half before it was accidentally unprivated.. why didn’t Phil delete it at some point during that time??

3. In the answer above, Dan says “how stupid do you have to be to think phil would upload that to amazingphil” - he didn’t upload it to ‘amazingphil’ he uploaded it to ‘lessamazingphil’ which is where the prank idea begins to seem strange.

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If the video was made to prank the subscribers, wouldn’t he have uploaded it to amazingphil - his main channel that had a hell of a lot more subscribers - instead of lessamazingphil, where the video was actually uploaded to, and a lot less people would have seen it?

4. Also with Dan’s answer, he says “to think phil would upload that to amazingphil if he wanted it to be private” - he did want it to be private that is whyhe set the video to private and why the video stayed private until over a year later, in September 2011, when youtube glitched and caused it to unprivate.

The reason he uploaded it to private, instead of just sending the video to Dan personally or giving him a card or saying it to him in person on Valentines Day was because, at the time, Dan was in India on a family holiday, so they couldn’t see each other or exchange cards/gifts in person. The reason he needed to put it on youtube to send it to him was because back in early 2010 sharing a video over the internet, especially from a mac (like Phil’s) to a windows (like Dan’s), without using Youtube, was near impossible. There was no such thing as Dropbox or google drives to share videos and the video file would have been too large an attachment to email to Dan.

Youtube was the only way he would have successfully been able to get the video to Dan without issue and with it still remaining a surprise. He could have given it to him on a usb before he left telling him to watch it on valentines day but then there is no guarantee that Dan would listen and wait, and it takes away the surprise of the video, because then obviously it’s something to do with valentines day.

Also in the video, Phil says he decided to make it because Dan had to go to bed and left him for 5 hours with nothing to do. In other words, it was a spur of the moment thing and because of the time constraint of having it up before Dan woke up on Valentines Day, he needed something that he knew would do it immediately, so he decided to trust youtube’s privacy settings (and they held up fine for over a year) and just in case, he uploaded it to lessamazingphil instead of amazingphil so that if something did happen and it leaked, a lot less people would see it than if it was on his main channel.

5. The video itself has so much detail in it that is built off real things, things that actually happened. Almost every single thing in that video has been connected to a dailybooth or a tweet or a video where they mentioned the things that happen in the video.

Furthermore, Phil went to the trouble of drawing even their clothes to match the clothes they were wearing on each of the days he talks about in the video.. their clothes ffs. If this was just some silly little prank to “troll the shippers” then he wouldn’t have bothered going into that much detail because hardly any of the people watching would have even noticed. It is only because we are analysing it that we notice the little details like this.

6. Because Dan was in India at the time (and had been for a little while beforehand) that means the entire video was Phil’s doing. He had to script it, film it, edit it, draw the pictures for it, and then put it all together and export it. That is a lot of trouble for some prank that they didn’t even bother going through with. And to me, this just does not seem like Phil’s style. Like, under Dan’s influence I could see Phil going along with it, but Dan would be the one making it happen. But Phil on his own, i just don’t see him as the kind of person who would want to prank his subscribers like that.

7. If it is a prank, and they always planned for it to be a prank, and they filmed and upload it 2 months in advance, you would think that when they were filming the video, they would also film the ‘HAHA fooled you!” video at the same time (or at least soon after) so that people would believe them it was a prank (because the date would say that video was uploaded the same day). However this video does not seem to exist anywhere and never has.

8. There is also the fact that they are constantly trying to destroy anything that has the video or has ‘proof’ the video is real.

V Day Video Phan Download

There used to be another blog, called Phanlentines, which went into extreme detail on all the things related to the valentines day video.. however the blog was removed by Phil (gee Phil, why so eager to keep all this buried?). However, before it was removed, i saved the page as a PDF because i was worried it would get removed. So if you would like to see it, click here. This was done in August 2013, when the blog was first completed, so there were a few things that had been changed and updated between me saving it and the blog being deleted, but this is better than nothing if you’re curious. (Don’t click the content page links in the PDF because they will take you to the deleted blog)

If you wish to view the video, I’m sorry but I no longer have it on my blog due to constant copyrighting issues and Phil having it removed.

A video AmazingPhil (Phil Lester) released by accident, and quickly deleted, detailing his love for danisnotonfire (Dan Howell). To this day, the pair deny that the video was anything but a prank, and swear tgey are straight, but the phandom has proof otherwise.
The phanv day vid is not to be watched by anyone, because Dan and Phil are bothered by it, and we respect them.
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