Java Error 1618

I am trying to distribute 32-bit Java to my 64-bit clients but it will not install through SCCM. I have tried putting it in the task sequence as well as 'Run Advertised Programs' and it fails both ways. When I look at the ConfigMgr Status Message for the advertisement I get the following error. When you attempt to run Windows Installer, or a program dependent on it, you may have experienced the 1618 error. This error means that you have more than one instance of Windows Installer running and so the process cannot continue.

‘Multitasking means screwing up several things at once’
Author Unknown

Having its pros and cons, Skype is a must-have tool these days – we rely on it heavily to achieve effective communication, and the app tends to serve this purpose well.

The Windows Installer process can only run one installation at a time. Complete the other installation or wait a few minutes for the background installation taking place completes. Important Oracle Java License Update The Oracle Java License has changed for releases starting April 16, 2019. The new Oracle Technology Network License Agreement for Oracle Java SE is substantially different from prior Oracle Java licenses. The new license permits certain uses, such as personal use and development use, at no cost - but other uses authorized under prior Oracle Java licenses.

But what if Skype installation fails thanks to the mysterious error 1618? Does this mean the good old app is forever beyond your reach?

Of course not. The problem in question can be easily resolved if you know what to do.

Why Does Skype Error 1618 Crop Up?

The issue in question appears when you are trying to perform several installs at once.

For example, if you can see the 1618 error code when installing Skype:

  • you might have accidentally started Skype installation twice;
  • another installation process is being executed at the same moment;
  • your Windows 10 is installing updates.

Therefore, to keep the error message ‘Another installation is already in progress’ at bay, you should:

  • be careful when installing programs;
  • avoid parallel installations;
  • wait for the current downloads/installations to complete before proceeding with another install.

If your Skype keeps having issues despite all the precautions above, move on to explore our solutions to the persistent 1618 error.

Skype 1618 Error Fixes

Here are our top 12 tips on how to eliminate the Skype 1618 installation problem:

  1. End the Microsoft Installer Process
  2. Run Skype as an Administrator
  3. Install Windows Updates
  4. Edit Your Registry
  5. Run a Full Malware Scan of Your System
  6. Fix Your Drivers
  7. Purge Your PC of Junk and Other Speed-Reducing Issues
  8. Restart Windows Installer
  9. Re-register Windows Installer Files
  10. Change Group Policy Settings
  11. Uninstall Skype Completely
  12. Reinstall Your Windows

You are welcome to choose the method you like most and follow the steps to fix the 1618 error.

Well, it is time to begin our journey. But first, you should perform a backup.

Indeed, we strongly recommend you to back up your personal files before launching an attack on the error in question.

As a precaution, use any of the following tools to your advantage:

  • Portable backup devices (e.g. flash drives, compact disks, etc.)
  • Cloud solutions (e.g. OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.)
  • Special backup software (e.g. Auslogics BitReplica)

Besides, we guess it would not hurt to create a system restore point:

  1. Windows logo key + S -> Type restore into the Search box -> Create a restore point
  2. System Properties -> Create -> Describe the restore point you want to create -> Create

You can always go back to it if things do not go as planned:

  1. Start -> Control Panel -> System and Security -> File History
  2. Recovery -> Open System Restore -> Next
  3. Select the restore point you want to return to-> Next -> Finish -> Yes

By the way, you can use the instructions above to roll back your PC to the latest working restore point – that will undo recent system changes. Try out this manoeuvre as it is reported to be capable of fixing the 1618 Skype error.

1. End the Microsoft Installer Process

To tell the truth, a little patience is required when it comes to installing programs on your computer: for example, you are supposed to proceed with a Skype install only when no other installation processes are being executed. However, we understand you might need to use the app without any delay. In such a case, you will have to end the msiexec.exe process manually.

For this purpose, use Windows Task Manager:

  1. Ctrl+Alt+Del -> Task Manager
  2. Processes -> select the MSIEXEC.EXE process -> Click End Process
  3. Install Skype

Has the issue been resolved? If not, hurry up to give the following method a try.

2. Run Skype as an Administrator

If the error 1618 prevents Skype installation from being a success, you can try the following workaround:

Skype setup file -> Right-click on it -> Run as administrator

Did it work?

If you still encounter the ‘Another installation is already in progress’ message, keep working your way down.

3. Install Windows Updates

If your PC is acting weird (which includes generating the 1618 installation error), your system might need updating.

Make use of the built-in Windows Update feature:

  1. Windows logo key + I -> Update and Security -> Check for updates
  2. Let the available updates come through
  3. Wait for the installation process to complete
  4. Restart your PC
Java Error 1618

Now try to install Skype on your computer. If the frustrating 1618 error code is still here, consider tweaking your Windows registry.

4. Edit Your Registry

Whatever it takes, be extremely careful when editing your registry – even a minor mistake can damage your system and cause your PC to go haywire.

Therefore, we strongly recommend you to back up your registry before editing it:

  1. Windows logo key + R -> Type regedit.exe into the Run box-> Enter
  2. Registry Editor -> Select the registry keys and/or subkeys you want to back up -> File > Export ->Choose the location and name for the backup file -> Save

Now you can perform the necessary changes:

  1. Windows logo key + R -> Type ‘regedit’ into the Run box
  2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInstaller
  3. Find and delete PendingFileRenameOperations
  4. Move to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftUpdates
  5. Search for the UpdateExeVolatile entry -> Double-click on it -> Set it to 0

That is it.

If the Skype installation issue persists, proceed to the following method.

If you feel there is something wrong with your system after the registry tweaks, restore the Windows Registry:

  1. Windows logo key + R -> Type ‘regedit.exe’ into the Run box-> Enter -> Registry Editor
  2. File -> Import -> Import Registry File -> Locate the necessary backup file -> Open

5. Run a Full Malware Scan of Your System

The error code 1618 can be a symptom of a malware infection. Thus, do not hesitate to conduct a full system scan. Your main goal is to detect the malicious intruders and banish them from your PC.

For this purpose, you can use:

Windows Defender

Windows Defender is a built-in security solution that can be of immense help in tackling malware issues and protecting your system.

To run a full system scan with Windows Defender, do the following:

Settings -> Update & Security -> Windows Defender -> Open Windows Defender -> Full

Your main antivirus solution

If you use a third-party antivirus as a main security solution, let it have a go at beating malicious software.

A special anti-malware tool

Looking for an ultimate triumph? If so, make sure your main antivirus has scanned every nook and cranny of your Windows 10 – even a tiny omission can result in a serious damage.

The problem is, some malicious threats are cunning enough to steal a march on your antivirus. Fortunately, it has steadfast allies that are always ready to help it out: for example, Auslogics Anti-Malware will be delighted to annihilate the threats your main security solution has missed.

6. Fix Your Drivers

Driver issues are brilliant at wreaking havoc on your computer. For instance, they can easily turn Skype installation into a nightmare. Therefore, mending your drivers might eliminate the annoying 1618 error code and give the green light to a successful Skype install.

In this regard, you can:

Use Driver Verifier to track down the misbehaving drivers

Start menu -> Type verifier -> Enter

Make use of Device Manager

Win + X -> Device Manager -> Locate your devices and update / reinstall their drivers

Troubleshoot your drivers manually

If you wish to have everything under control, feel free to update your drivers by yourself. To do so, visit your manufacturers’ websites, download the latest drivers for your device models and install them on your computer.

Use special software to fix all your drivers

Updating your drivers one by one can be rather a tedious business. You can save your time by using a special tool, e.g. Auslogics Driver Updater, to fix them all in one click.

7. Purge Your PC of Junk and Other Speed-Reducing Issues

If you wish to enjoy Skype calls, make sure your PC is not messy before installing the app. Otherwise, you may run into rather dispiriting installation issues.

Here is what you can do to clean your machine up:

Remove temporary setup files

Temporary setup files that certain apps place on your PC can cause Skype installation to fail.
To delete them, go this way:

  1. Windows logo key + R -> Type ‘temp’ into the Run box-> Enter
  2. Delete everything from the Temp folder
  3. Go to C:WindowsTemp -> Delete everything from this folder

Run Disk Cleanup

A messy hard drive is another possible reason for installation failures.

To declutter your disk, utilize the built-in Disk Cleanup solution:

  1. Win + R -> Type ‘cleanmgr’ into the Run box -> Enter -> Disk Cleanup
  2. Disk Cleanup for (C:) -> Clean up system files -> Select the items you do not need -> OK

Run System File Checker

You might be unable to install Skype due to corrupt or missing system files on your computer. Lucky for you, Windows 10 provides for the possibility of fixing them automatically.

What you need is to run System File Checker:

Java Error 1618
  1. Start -> Enter Command Prompt -> right-click Command Prompt -> select Run as administrator -> Enter DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth -> Enter sfc /scannow
  2. Wait for the system scan to finish -> Reboot your computer

Use a special diagnostic tool

There are lots of issues that can spoil your PC’s performance in general and Skype installation in particular.

Among them are:

  • junk files (e.g. leftover update files, unneeded cache, unused error logs, temporary system and user files, etc.)
  • corrupt keys and invalid entries in the Windows registry
  • non-optimal Windows settings

You can resolve them manually or use a special solution, such as Auslogics BoostSpeed, to do that in a fast and safe way.

If using the tips above has not helped you eliminate the error 1618, now is the time to deal with the Windows Installer service.

8. Restart Windows Installer

Reportedly, Windows Installer can be the main culprit of the Skype 1618 crisis.

In such a case, disabling and enabling the Windows Installer service is an effective fix:

Java Error 1618
  1. Windows logo key + R -> Type ‘services.msc’ into the Run box-> Enter
  2. Search for the Windows Installer service -> Double-click on it -> Properties
  3. Startup type -> Disabled -> Save changes
  4. Restart your computer
  5. Windows logo key + R -> Type ‘services.msc’ into the Run box-> Enter
  6. Startup type -> Manual -> Save changes
  7. Restart your computer

Can you install Skype on your PC now?

If not, here is another trick related to Windows Installer.

9. Re-register Windows Installer Files

If restarting Windows Installer has been to no avail, try re-registering its files.

Here is how to do that:

  1. Windows logo key + X -> Command Prompt (Admin)
  2. Insert the following:
    msiexec /unregister
    msiexec /regserver
  3. Wait for the commands to execute
  4. Close Command Prompt
  5. Reboot your computer
  6. Try to install Skype

No luck so far? No worries, the next fix may turn out to be really helpful.

10. Change Group Policy Settings

Changing your group policy settings may prove an effective solution to the Skype error 1618.

To perform the changes in question, follow the instructions below:

  1. Windows logo key + R -> Type ‘gpedit.msc’ into the Run box -> OK
  2. Computer Configuration -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Local Policies -> User Rights Assignment
  3. Debug programs -> Double-click on this option
  4. Locate the Administrators account on the list -> If it is absent, click Add User or Group and the Admin account
  5. Apply -> OK

11. Uninstall Skype Completely

If Skype has ever been present on your PC, chances are the app has not been uninstalled completely: some leftover files may still remain in your system. They are supposed to be removed – otherwise, the installation of your new Skype is set up for failure.

To uninstall Skype completely, perform the following edits:

Windows Installer Error 1618

  1. Windows logo key + R -> Type regedit.exe into the Run box-> Enter -> Registry Editor
  2. Edit -> Find -> Type Skype into the Find box -> Find Next
  3. Right-click on the search results -> Delete them

12. Reinstall Your Windows

Reinstalling your Windows 10 is a great opportunity to start from scratch: actually, bugs are supposed to give your system a wide berth after that procedure.

Nonetheless, a clean install of your Windows 10 is a kind of escapade that might end in tears – the drama is, it causes your personal files to disappear for good. Thus, make sure you have backed up your important data to avoid painful losses.

We hope there is nothing that can prevent you from installing Skype on your PC now.

Do you have any ideas or questions regarding this issue?

We are looking forward to your comments!

While installing Java on your Windows 10 computer you may face an error code 1618. Though this problem is prevalent with the Java installation case, some users also complained about a similar issue while installing Skype on their systems. If the Windows Installer is already installing another application or updating an existing one, you will see this error code. There is nothing to worry about. Simply enact these easy fixes on your device and the problem will be solved very easily.

Fix 1 – Check if another installation is going on

Sometimes if an existing installation is going on, wait for some time till the installation is complete.

1. Right-click on the Windows icon and click on the “Task Manager“.

2. Here, check if there is any installation is going on or not.

Here if you see the Windows Installer is already running, you can wait for it to finish the installation.

If you want to stop the installation on your computer, do this-

3. Right-click on the “Windows Installer” and click on “End Task“.

After that, run the Java setup on your computer to install it on your computer.

Fix 2 – Start/ Restart the Windows Installer service

Start the Windows Installer service on your system.

1. It is very easy to open a Run terminal. You have to press the ‘Windows key+R‘ keys.

2. What you need to do next is to type this command. Afterward, click on “OK“.

2. After that, scroll down to find out the “Windows Installer” service.

3. Right-click on it and then click on “Start” to start the service on your computer.

In case the service has already started, you may restart it.

4. Just like before, right-click on the “Windows Installer” service.

5. This time, click on “Restart” to restart it.

This should restart the service on your machine. Close the Services window and further try to install Java or Skype.

Fix 3 – Uninstall and further reinstall Java

You can uninstall and reinstall Java on your system.

STEP 1 – Uninstall Java application

1. Simply, press the Windows key+R keys to open the Run window.

2. In the Run window, write and then hit Enter.

3. Then right-click on any application related to Java in the list and then click on “Uninstall“.

4. Now, click on “Yes” if a box appears to uninstall Java from your computer.

5. You need to repeat the same thing for any other Java-related application on that list.

Once done, close the Program and Features window.

Restart your computer.

STEP 2 – Download and Install Java in a new folder

Now we are going to download and install the latest version of Java at a new location.

1. At first, visit the Oracle website.

2. Then, click on “Java Download” to download the installer on your computer.

3. After that, double click on the installer to install it on your device.

4. Then, check the “Change destination folder” option.

5. Then, click on “Install“.

6. After this you have to click on “Change” to change the destination folder.

7. Next, you need to choose a location (preferably in C: drive) on your device.

8. To install this in a new folder, click on “Make New Folder“.

9. After that, click on “OK“.

Wait for the installation process to finish.

Step 3 – Add a new variable

You have to add this location in the environment variable.

1. To open the File Explorer window, simply press Windows key+E keys together.

2. Now, right-clickon “ThisPC” and after that, click on the “Properties“.

3. After that, click on “Advanced system settings“.

4. When the System Properties window, click on the”Advanced“.

5. Just click on the “EnvironmentVariables” to add a variable.

6. After this, click on “New…“.

7. As the first step, you have to set the ‘Variable name:‘ as “Java“.

8. Then, click on the “Browse files…“.

9. Navigate to the location you have just installed the Java.

10. In the bin folder of the installation directory, you will see “java.exe” among the list of other applications.

11. Select it and click on “Open“.

12. Click on “OK” to add the variable.

13. You need to click on “Apply” and then on “OK“.

This will complete the process.

Restart the system once and after rebooting your computer, try to use Java again.

Fix 4 – Clean boot the PC

Cleaning boot your computer and try a fresh install of Java.

1. Right-click on the Windows icon and then click on “Run“.

2. Type “msconfig” here in the Run window. Click on “OK“.

3. Once the System Configuration window opens up, go to the “General“.

4. Click on the radio button beside the “Selectivestartup” option.

5. After that step you have to check the box beside the “Load system services.

6. Click on the “Services” tab.

7. Next what you have to do is check the “Hide all Microsoft services“.

Java Install Error 1618

8. After that you have to click on “Disable all“.

All the third-party apps on your system will be disabled.

8. Then, click on the “Startup” section.

9. Click on the “Open Task Manager“.

10. Once the Task Manager appears, right-click on each application one-by-one and click on “Disable” to disable them all.

Once you have done disabling every startup item, close the Task Manager window.

11. Finally, click on “Apply” and “OK”.

Click on “Restart Now“. Once you are in the clean boot mode, try to run the Java setup file and install it on your computer.

Fix 5 – Uninstall certain updates

If the problem continues to bother you, you can try uninstalling the recent update from your system.

1. At first, press the Windows key+R keys together.

2. After that, type “appwiz.cpl“. Click on “OK“.

3. Once the Program and Features window opens up, click on “View installed updates“.

4. Here you will see a list of updates installed on your computer.

5. Right-click on it and click on “Uninstall“.

Once the update is uninstalled from your computer, your computer will be automatically rebooted.

After it reboots, you will be able to install Java very easily.

Sambit is a Mechanical Engineer By qualification who loves to write about Windows 10 and solutions to weirdest possible problems.

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