This video is a Microsoft Narrator transcription of a blog posted on Dr. Paul LaViolette’s website: Dr. LaViolette has been the World’s leading proponent of the “galactic superwave theory” for the past 35 years: The events described in Padre Avondios’ prophecy sound remarkably similar to the events predicted. Paul LaViolette reveals the remarkable parallels between the cutting edge of scientific thought and creation myths from the dawn of civilization. With a scientific sophistication rare among mythologists, LaViolette deciphers the forgotten cosmology of ancient lore in a groundbreaking scientific tour de force. Cosmic and Earth Changes - LaViolette's Theory of Galactic Superwave - Earth Under Fire - Galactic Alignment in 2012 Feared to Cause Pole Shift 2008-2015 - Superwave - Project Camelot Interviews Dr Paul LaViolette - SuperWave Theory - 2012 Earth Changes. Critiques of Dr. Paul LaViolette's theoroes. So, it's so complex that anyone who debunks it will have their work cut out just summarizing what it is they are debunking, in any scientific detail, and then by the time they've explained why it is far fetched, they'll have lost their audience anyway. Paul LaViolette and THE SUPERWAVE from Etheric Website Galactic core outbursts are the most energetic phenomenon taking place in the universe. The active, quasar-like core of spiral galaxy PG 0052+251 (Figure 1-a), for example, is seen to radiate 7 times as much energy as comes from all of the galaxy’s stars.
Galactic Superwave interview with Dr. Paul LaViolette on Coast to Coast
Dr. Paul LaViolette, who believes there is evidence for a cycle of galactic superwaves that emanate from the center of galaxy and wreak cataclysmic earth changes when they arrive here, appeared on Coast to Coast with George Noory yesterday.
The following is a sample of the topics covered in the interview, the rest can be heard by subscribing to the Coast to Coast service and clicking here.

Galactic Waves & Communications
'Interdisciplinary scientist Dr. Paul LaViolette was the guest for the first three hours, sharing his theories on such topics as galactic waves and pulsar communications. He believes there is evidence for a cycle of galactic superwaves that emanate from the center of galaxy and wreak cataclysmic earth changes when they arrive here. Such blasts of cosmic rays cause the sun to become more active and trigger climate change, earthquakes and mass extinctions, he said. Correlating this to the Hopi Prophecy of the Blue Star, which talks about the ending of a world, he noted that 'when the galactic core erupts it would give off a bluish-white light.'
Paul A Laviolette
There is a 90% chance that a superwave could arrive in the next 300-400 years, said LaViolette, who related that every ancient culture or civilization has stories about this, such as the Great Flood. Further, he believes that an advanced race of galactic beings has been attempting to warn us of the superwaves using pulsars as their communication method. The pulsars do not appear to be natural and convey a geometrical message by pointing to locations of previous super novas, he said. Using neutron stars as their power source, the pulsars could also be employed as a guidance system for interstellar travel, he added.

Dr Paul Laviolette Wikipedia
LaViolette also shared his alternative theory to the Big Bang, which posits that energy and matter are being continuously created. The final hour of the show was devoted to Open Lines, featuring callers who had faced down death.'
As many of our readers will know, James Finn has been investigating the possibilities of a Galactic Superwave himself and you can read his discoveries on this at his site. You can also read more of Paul LaViolette's work at the following site:
We also have a topic running regarding the Galactic Superwave on our Forum and welcome any comments or questions that you have. Click Here to visit the Forum.
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